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mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
Jei hy on weed
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
Gordon Freeman (HHH)
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
tensa zangetsu
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
mapping and new server! I_vote_lcapmapping and new server! I_voting_barmapping and new server! I_vote_rcap 
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 mapping and new server!

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Posts : 181
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Age : 39
Location : France, Paris

mapping and new server! Empty
Postmapping and new server!

hey guys
im started mapping aagain, im gonna make a cs_crackhouse sorta map....and then test it with a few bots and get them rendered

i wont be on as much cos il be making the map and also il be at work cos i needa make up some hours

oh and before i forget...we have a new server!
admins: Alex, piece, tensa, fatality and me.
were sharing with a clan called PBZ
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