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HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
Jei hy on weed
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
Gordon Freeman (HHH)
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
tensa zangetsu
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
HOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_lcapHOTD is the strength to bG I_voting_barHOTD is the strength to bG I_vote_rcap 
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 HOTD is the strength to bG

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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 2:35 am

Ok this is proof why everyone dies when Hotd become zombies : http://bg.gameme.com/actioninfo/12
Most of the top people are Hotd members. That just tells were pro. Plus here the link when were human http://bg.gameme.com/actioninfo/11 . WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!! Very Happy
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 11:44 am

YEA,oh and i've made a decision, batman's joining. this is due to one 2 votes and me ad fatality both started liking him once more
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:58 am

Awesome, I see he already joined. He can get on my nerves when hes being troll right in front of my ass when I'm like 1 foot away from the BoAT or ELEVATOR!!! (*looks at batman QQ >:d*)
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 7:57 pm

lolz... yeah we are the strength to bg
Twisted Evil
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Hhhhmmm   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 12:07 am

Not to be a downer but I think your really quoting that wrong....

http://bg.gameme.com/players/css That's the players, sort by the time played total...

You'll notice that most HOTD comes from the most frequent players as you don't tend add people you just met into HOTD. Many of the names of most played have been zombie most therefore have most time killing everyone...

Fun fact: Of top ten cities playing, there's 7 Canadian cities Very Happy

anyway, Just proclaiming that the most frequent players are all always on top of lists/Awards with kills, headshots, ect playing not a large part so much (although its there). Happy killing as always Very Happy

PS: bG is top ranked clan somehow with 4 people listed lol. HOTD doesn't show up at all as clan Neutral
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 12:28 am

I don't really care about this anymore. I posted this a month ago because I saw hotd takin over the top10 and all that shiz. Al. I care about is first place. I just want to beat lottery and his bragging meow sounds :3 (when I become first I won't brag)
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Gordon Freeman (HHH)

Gordon Freeman (HHH)

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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 6:26 pm

Piece Of Fruit wrote:
Ok this is proof why everyone dies when Hotd become zombies : http://bg.gameme.com/actioninfo/12
Most of the top people are Hotd members. That just tells were pro. Plus here the link when were human http://bg.gameme.com/actioninfo/11 . WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!! Very Happy

lol thats true. whenever im zombie it takes about 1 minute for infections to brgin but once i get going zombies always win. i have strategies

but when im human i am also a killer cause most of the time when zombies get killed, its either because of me throwing a nade or just plain using materias or staffs they are easier to kill.
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 12:52 am

I have a hard time believing that you wont brag Wink
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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 2:00 am

i think its kinda scary how me and Tensa are right next to each other on almost everything O.o. Shocked
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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 8:47 pm

it is funny fruit however its kinda sad since u play on the server more than me but i'm only like 100 kills behind u in the ranking:P
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Gordon Freeman (HHH)

Gordon Freeman (HHH)

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HOTD is the strength to bG Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 9:34 pm

hardcore wrote:
I have a hard time believing that you wont brag Wink

i dont normally trust items that much lol the ultima thing can go wrong if you turn into a zombie after u set up ultima there and then someone freezes me with ice and then im gone Sad gandalf staff can cause phale nade events cause it is just an explosion under u and if u use is when zombies are behind u then ur either doomed or infected
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PostSubject: Re: HOTD is the strength to bG   HOTD is the strength to bG I_icon_minitime

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HOTD is the strength to bG
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