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 Meet The HOTD

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Posts : 181
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Join date : 2010-07-16
Age : 39
Location : France, Paris

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PostSubject: Meet The HOTD   Meet The HOTD I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 03, 2010 7:17 am

hey guys im ashlay the site creator and il tell you about the site

Who are we?: A Leet Group of Unknown Soldiers of war who fight zombies On the BG servers(just wait for our servers)

Who Made the group?: it was founded by Fatality, he leads us and assigns us task which we carry out

Who helped him?: that was mainly Black fire and ashlay what they set out to do was make a leet group

why do we consider ourselves leet?: because we are those of misfortune

why are we misfortune's?: we have been betrayed by cudder who just made a clan with the same name and it is the same with Mr.P who made a clan called snipe which has one member

why are we calling for more members?: to survive we need help we arent one person savors and we need more people

this is our clan
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