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tensa zangetsu
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 The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP

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PostSubject: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 6:21 pm

This is the actual RP please see The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse App Topic for rules and to apply for this topic...Thx.


Last edited by Okami~Jigoku on Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:40 pm; edited 9 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 4:15 pm

Accepted Characters:

Hotd ID: Okami~Jigoku
Name in Rp: Okami Ryu Jigoku
sex(gender): male
Age in 2015: 21
Character type(job): U.S. Marine spec-ops.
Character Pic:The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP Anime_Warrior
Background Story: was in Indiana for vacation after being in a hellish op over seas the apocalypse happens and he has to rendezvous with Command in Kentucky. Being contacted by Kairoga he hurried to meet Aragon who he was supposed to meet in Indianapolis any way and takes him down to Kentucky with him.

Hotd ID:Endozworld
wanted name in Rp:Kairoga G. Carlisle
Age in 2015:21
Character type(job):Intelligence Officer, Airforce First Lieutenant
Character Pic:The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP B6b92643fd812016aa51f3f6e32af3b6
Background Story:Born in Cincinnati OH, and raised in northern Ky. Went to college for 2 years then joined the Airforce as an intelligence officer where he excelled and was quickly promoted to first lieutenant. 1 month before the outbreak became known he was deployed to a small town that had mysteriously cut off and (quarantined). While there he saw "them", filed his reports to his superiors and took leave, he then started making preparations for the oncoming apocalypse that was bound to happen. on one of the last days before all hell broke loose he was able to contact Okami and warn him to get his ass down to Kentucky.

Hotd ID: Guardian
wanted name in Rp: Aragon Guardian
sex(gender): male
Age in 2015: 25
Character type(job): Apprentice Millwright ( Military Hardware )

Background story: Born 1990 Ontario Toronto. I had a Career to become a top notch millwright, I started off small in business that made small specialized parts . Then two years into the feild I switched over to doing bigger stuff then recently have transfered my contract to a militarty vechile production plant. Life was well and I decided to take a holiday. My skills are mostly just mechanical and metal fabrication I have only practiced with light firearms, I have used a 12 gauge shotgun sometimes when I went hunting but nothing beyond that.
In the middle of transfering to my flight down to Texas Gun Show I got a call from Okami ,which more or less made me think BS but then flights slowly closed up then I noticed someone with a pal grey complextion. I ran outside and got a ride with Okami , now on route with Okami to meet up with Kairoga before all hell breaks loose. The last thought I had that day was "oh shit here we go".

Character Pic:

The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP 92afbf9d1236913127632

HOTD ID: Tensa Zangetsu
wanted name in rp: Heine Rammsteiner
Sex: male
age in 2015: 26
Character type/job: JTF2 recon/sniper

Background story: After learning about the release of the infection the Canadian government sent Heine to investigate the severity of the contamination and how successfully the Americans were at containing it. Eventually he hears from command that there is a base in Kentucky that he might find some clues in, so now he journeys south.

Character Pic:

The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP Versus-xiii1

Hotd ID: Pseudoping

Wanted name in Rp: Kroy Arden

sex(gender): Male

Age in 2015: 20

Character type(job): Pistolier & Quarter Master

Character Pic:

The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP Kroy

Background Story: Kroy was born in Madison, WI and lived there for eighteen years of his life. During High School he was pestered to get his work in but seemed to always exceed expectations during standard testing. Once he completed High School he went on the search for a military supported college. He found one in Kentucky as well as a job on the local military base.

His build did not give him the ability to use heavier automatic weaponry but he came quite accustomed to pistols. To make up for this he was put in charge of carrying extra bandoliers and equipment making Kroy an important piece on the battlefield.

When the pharmaceutical company released the potentially apocalyptic virus, the military personnel were assigned to higher ranking officials. That is how Kroy now ended up under the command of the central Kentucky Military HQ.

Day 1- flight from Indianapolis

After picking up Aragon, he and I made it to Brooksville before we had to stop for some gas and to stretch our legs.
So far there was no sign of infected down here and nobody even knew about what was going on but me and Aragon Knew that since this was a major intersection city it wouldn't be long before it was either occupied by infected or the military and if it was the military who had it, it would be sowed up tighter then Bastogne was in WWII. But we had to continue on to Kentucky, but before we did i reported this location back to command so as to at least give these people a chance of defense with a military presence.

Last edited by Okami~Jigoku on Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:41 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 10:59 pm

he was outside on the porch, trying to smoke to relax himself, kinda hard to do when you know your own apocalypse is coming. it was a good thing his moms side of the family is dead, and his fathers side was in Colorado. finishing his smoke he heads inside to make himself something to eat.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 6:27 pm

Day: 1 time: 10:30am

When we stopped at brooksville the first thing I did before getting a bite was to look up the local telephone directory. Luckily there was a major gunshop in town with one specialty shop I think would be wise to visit, I also wrote down the location of a fireworks and hardware store. Needless to say We need to stock up here and we may be caught out unprepared. My liscense was only good for Canadian restricted weapons so chocie was limited, I took the remmington 870 12 gauge shotgun as a given the barrel was shorter then normal but for close space that would be needed, and a semi-auto AR-15 .22LR due to personal experience and the fact that the .22 LR in the AR-15 was quite silent. Now the specialty gunshop I knew may be a good idea just to see if it had anything good, and oh boy did it ever, it had the one gun I coviet the most at home a M1-Garand. I also noticed they had alot of surplus military gear so you can guess what I got also. I also got about 10 bricks of 30-06, 20 of .22LR (plus 4 mags for the AR) and 8 of 12 gauge rounds. Luckily the guy did not ask if I wanted the mags or tube pinned because of canadian law. From the hardware store I got all kinds of wrenches and screwdrivers and grinders even a small genarator the basic tools for any millwright. Then came the fireworks store, where I bought some smokeless gunpowder , I also got a flare gun and a dozen flares. I alos got some of the more tightly sealed loud fireworks.
When I got it all loaded into Okamis truck it looked like alot less earlier but still it did not weight to much I also bought about 200 bucks of medical gear and some long lasting canned food from the local food market with 5 12 packs of water and 1 case of strongbow:3 . When I found Okami in a dinner I may have looked a little over prepared Shocked . I spent about $15,000, from my $40,000 personal aircraft fund I was saving up for. The only thing I can say now is bring it on.
Twisted Evil

Last edited by GuardianReaper on Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 6:33 pm

Seeing Aragon coming with the heavy load he had i immediately went to talk to him about what he bought...After seeing what all he bought, I said one thing..." Did you buy a pistol?"
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 6:49 pm

Okami asked if I bought a pistol , If you ever watched one of those cartoons where the guy forgot something important then remebers where his eyes pop out that was my expression. All I said was this . "fffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccc".
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 10:11 pm

After laughing my ass of I shove a pistol toward him and say, " Here take it... it's a good gun and shoots good...You might want to buy some ammo for it though and here"... hands him a bag with the guns case holster mags and other items including a couple of boxes of ammo.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 5:49 pm

1:30 pm: having just finished eating, he headed downstairs to check on the generator. While heading down the steps next to his old room, he heard something. Pulling out his standard issue M1911 he slowly went down the long hall only to hear a crunching sound, a soft moan followed through the doorway.....
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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 7:40 pm

11:35 pm:

After having his car break down about a mile out of a town called brooksville, he walked into town and ended up wandering aimlessly looking for a repair shop or atleast a car rental dealership. After a while he notices these 2 guys by a car loaded up with guns/ammo talking about heading to Kentucky. So he heads over there to ask for a lift or atleast some help getting his own car working again.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 11:19 pm

After internally screaming from stupity I took the pistol as graciously as I could cause I knew he did not have to. lol! I was goind to get more ammo but before that some guy walking towards us was looking a bit thirsty and tired I asked him if he need something. He responded by asking if we knew where the local Car repairshop was. I replyed saying no but I said if you can't find one I could probably fix it if Okami would agree to the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 11:26 pm

"Sure... but could you follow us down to kentucky b/c there is somethin fucked up goin on and we are tryin to get as many people as possible to head to safe area's... besides we need the bodies..." laughs heavily.
Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 5:21 pm

1:32 whipping around the corner of the hall, he looks into the room and sees an infected turning towards him. natural training almost made him aim for the chest, but after spending a month at the small town he forced himself to aim for the head and fire. looking again, he saw the body slumped against the door, it was one of "them." quickly closing the door to his younger brothers old room and securing it. He continued his trek down the hall to the storage room, opening the door he turned the lights on to see the HHO generator sitting on its pallet with the forklift ready to go. looking up he grabbed a box of ammo for his gun, gladly thanking himself for stocking up on ammo....
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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 9:01 pm

Once they got to his car Heine turned to them and said "Thanks for the help, i guess introductions are in order now. My name is Heine Rammsteiner, Pleased to meet you."
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 9:33 pm

"And my name is Okami Ryu Jigoku, and this idiot is Aragon Guardian."

Last edited by Okami~Jigoku on Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 11:30 pm

"Nice to meet you. Now before i join you guys to kentucky i got a few questions. For starters what exactly is going on? All i was told was there is an unknown infection spreading in the southern states. They also told me to bring my rifle with me but didn't explain why. So if you know anything please tell me."
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 2:52 am

No problem was just a hole in the coolant tank, seems either a stone puntured it or something chewed away at it just enough so it would leak slowy enough to not be noticeble, and also you need to replace your oil in another 10,000 km roughly. I bet your also wondering why my friend asked you to follow us, not sure why your so willing to go with a pair of strangers but I see no harm in saying this due to the shit has hit the fan we are just waiting for the shit hit us. But first and foremost the name is Aragon, now to begin with have you noticed anybody along the way here that look strange and have a slightly grey tone to there skin. (input Heine's answer here). I know this sounds like horse shit I don't blame you to disbelieve but were dealing with a blood born viral infection that causes the brains memory to fry , and enlarge certain areas that deal with anger and some how to do with the munchies. I don't know if this is some madcow dieases gone rampent or something but the infected act like your stereotypical zombies. Now you maybe thinking I'm a nutbar right about now but give it 2 weeks and you will rethink what I have said. Please for the love of god don't mention this to other people . I wanted you to know this if your going to follow us because me and my friend are going to need to trust each other, if your going to follow us into hell, I think it best to say so now before the point of no return. Though to be honest if things don't get qurantined things will get bad real fast , god help us all if this becomes water or air borne.

Then as we got ready to set off I saw the unthinkable , it looked like a deer but with a massive bite mark on it's back drooling and stumbling toward us.

Well were fucked.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 10:28 am

"Heh Zambie Venison Good to Shoot not to Eat!" pulls out suppressed pistol and blows it's brains out. "Well that was easy." Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 4:37 pm

"sure, need a tow? this old baby will tow looks... especially zombies if you move fast i can let one of you take the gunner spot...oh and none of you are driving this...last time it ended up in a ditch 3 miles from where i left it...last time im ever letting my "homies" go joy riding..."
i revved the engine drawing some zombies in and mounted the gunner spot....
"come on this is just practice" i laughed
my grip on the gun tightened and i pulled the trigger, the PKM fired up, and sprayed the road with blood
"open the trunk, take what you need and put down what you dont ... and dont touch the case....or else"

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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 7:51 pm

Laughing a bit Heine turned around so he could go start up his car when he noticed 2 more infected deer coming from the other direction. As he took out his own silenced pistol he turned back a bit and said, "Hey umm guys i think we should get out of here and pick up this conversation later, cause it looks like that other deer wasen't alone." Then he quickly pops off 2 shots and takes down the 2 deer.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 11:39 pm

Agreeing with Heine Okami and Guardian take offf haveing him follow them down to Kentucky.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 3:23 pm

"oh and my name is Alexis...im a sniper and sniper trainer, need some oil? or petrol? i have plenty in the back, urmmm idiot mount the gun while i fill you up"
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 04, 2011 12:40 pm

The bloodstains on the road ahead of Kroy left him feeling uneasy. After just recently escaping the assault made on his primary crew he was left to rendevouz with whatever remained of the resistance. Only problem was he didn't know where the next unit would come from and, for that matter, where the next infected would come from.

Luckily after about another five hundred feet the echo of several shots rose around the bend in the road. To Kroy's relief, the sound of a car engine approaching was all he needed to know that they were still alive.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 04, 2011 5:54 pm

"DAM YOU GUYS CAN'T SHOOT FOR SHIT!" Okami yelled as they were getting close to a horde of infected. SSCCRREEAACCHH!!!!...THUD! "UH... guys there's a guy wounded out there i and Aragon will go get him tensa cover our asses!" Aragon and Okami jump out of the truck and rush to the strangers aid.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 04, 2011 6:10 pm

i swivelled the turret around gunning down the remaining zombies, but distance moan were all around,
"well sorry for being bad with the shit.....OKAMI YOU SHOOT THE TURRET, IL GET MY SPECIALITY!"
waiting for okami to get back i quickly got out and opened the box at the rear of the truck, i quickly put the parts together and came out a m82 Barrett, i mounted it on the roof next to okami and turned of night vision, up ahead were bodies...armed they were coming to our location,
"helps coming" i turned the rifle around to okami and picked off 2 zombies with a single bullet.
aragon limped back with the injuried man, i dismounted and helped aragon with the man
"okami your doing good, cover us il put this away, argon you may drive, were you bitten?"
i placed the rest of the stuff in the box and ran to the car getting some resources from the car, i ran back and climbed on the back and hit the floor
"HIT IT!" i yelled and held tight on the sides on the hummer, "ARAGON ARE YOU BITTEN!"

Last edited by ๖ۣۜSmurf~๖ۣۜKonata on Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP I_icon_minitime

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