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The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
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The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
Gordon Freeman (HHH)
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
tensa zangetsu
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_lcapThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_voting_barThe Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_vote_rcap 
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PostSubject: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 8:09 pm

This is The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse roll play app page... this is mine and Endoz's topic!!!(the actual rp will be up)

It all started Dec. 21, 2012 a major pharmaceutical company starts a project on curing the rabies virus... 4 years later in May of 2015 their antivirus mutates into a undead style virus... Unknowing to the pharmaceutical company when they released a test group for the antivirus they released last year in 2014 was the cause... 750 out of the 800 subjects had lived to May of 2015 and all 750 turned (most in major cities) they turned and started an Undead Apocalypse... Now we follow a few survivors in Kentucky during July of 2015.

* to apply for the rp you must fill this out...

Hotd ID:
wanted name in Rp:
Age in 2015:
Character type(job):
Character Pic:
Background Story:

1. No magic
2. Realistic age people
3. This will not end up on CS:S
4. Hotd Members only
5. No Trolling
6. I and Endoz will start and control the story!(another words we will tell you when you can start posting or we will bring you in via one of our posts!)
7. There is NO cure!
8.If you are excepted you will have your character app posted on the main rp.

Types of undead...
Type 1: your normal everyday Zombie
Type 2: Ghoul... basically an armored super Zambie on crack ( a high enough caliber weapon will kill it... min cal for it is 6.5 grendal or 6.8 special)
Type 3: Wright... a Ghoul on steroids with out armor but can take lots o damage (best to use high explosives or flamethrowers on them other wise you're gonna use alot o fuckin lead)
Type 4: Kthulu's... like a zambie vampire they love to suck on the blood and they are hard as fuckin hell to kill (best to use a good dose of high explosives on them)

Last edited by Okami~Jigoku on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:45 pm; edited 8 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 8:22 pm

Hotd ID: Okami~Jigoku
wanted name in Rp: Okami Ryu Jigoku
sex(gender): male
Age in 2015: 21
Character type(job): U.S. Marine spec-ops.
Character Pic:The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic Anime_Warrior
Background Story: was in Indiana for vacation after being in a hellish op over seas the apocalypse happens and he has to rendezvous with Command in Kentucky. Being contacted by Kairoga he hurried to meet Aragon who he was supposed to meet in Indianapolis any way and takes him down to Kentucky with him.

Last edited by Okami~Jigoku on Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 10:32 pm

Hotd ID:Endozworld
wanted name in Rp:Kairoga G. Carlisle
Age in 2015:21
Character type(job):Intelligence Officer, Airforce First Lieutenant
Character Pic:The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic B6b92643fd812016aa51f3f6e32af3b6
Background Story:Born in Cincinnati OH, and raised in northern Ky. Went to college for 2 years then joined the Airforce as an intelligence officer where he excelled and was quickly promoted to first lieutenant. 1 month before the outbreak became known he was deployed to a small town that had mysteriously cut off and (quarantined). While there he saw "them", filed his reports to his superiors and took leave, he then started making preparations for the oncoming apocalypse that was bound to happen. on one of the last days before all hell broke loose he was able to contact Okami and warn him to get his ass down to Kentucky.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:48 pm

we can make a video about this, on CSS we'll need loads of zombies tho or maybe il make a map for it as in we reach a a base, and a few zombies are roaming in it cos all the forces ha ve gone out to kill the zombies and it was over ran and then someone escaped with a car driving the zombies away and i guess you could meet me there wounded but able to shoot some zombies from a guard tower and then i turn a bit after you find me and i magical turn to a human again with my admin hacks!
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:52 pm

there will be no magical stuff happening it's eighther you're human or you're an undead
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 5:13 pm

i was joking about that part but any way after that when i turn you guys turn and look you throw me outta the car your in or something like that and i sprint just behind the car screaming YABBA MY ICING!, you speed off and you find a small deserted house, well thats what you think you did, you find a lab in the house with a lock down on but you find a way in and you go in to the lab finding aa man, treating a girl 12 with a type of drug, you forget to close the shutters behid you and you hear foot steps so you turn around and im climbing thru the window and you shoot me out and close the shutter.....
(this is me making map idea's now)
anyway you later hear banging on the shutters and you then hear alot of banging then a boom and a Massive bang a tank like thing is ramming the car out side cos you left in on, the zombies find you, the man tells you to take a sample and deliever it to a friend he opens a hatch and you go down and he closes it behind you and he locks down the house hoping to live(this is like gandalf(LOTR) and the zombies break in and kill the man and then you reach the end of the tunnel its blocked off so you plant some c4 i gave to you and a Barrett Cal you set up the barret and M249 up int he tunnel while one of you figures out the works of the c4, it blows then the zombies break in you run for life to tank, or car and drive in to the distance realising i was in the car with you and you inject half of the anti-virus in to me and then i turn angry and human and hit you across the face and finally turn back, then i some how scream at you for leaving the guns behind!!!! you twats! then you realise your dragging zombies behind you with a rope, you cut it free and you speed up to 100MPH, then a massive nuke bombs the Dam and that floods the town and water is rushing behind us and we get to a tunnel that closes when we get in it and were safe with the army and HOTD members

Moar Tomorroz!
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 5:41 pm

Hotd ID: Guardian
wanted name in Rp: Aragon Guardian
sex(gender): male
Age in 2015: 25
Character type(job): Apprentice Millwright ( Military Hardware )

Background story: Born 1990 Ontario Toronto. I had a Career to become a top notch millwright, I started off small in business that made small specialized parts . Then two years into the feild I switched over to doing bigger stuff then recently have transfered my contract to a militarty vechile production plant. Life was well and I decided to take a holiday. My skills are mostly just mechanical and metal fabrication I have only practiced with light firearms, I have used a 12 gauge shotgun sometimes when I went hunting but nothing beyond that.
In the middle of transfering to my flight down to Texas Gun Show I got a call from Okami ,which more or less made me think BS but then flights slowly closed up then I noticed someone with a pal grey complextion. I ran outside and got a ride with Okami , now on route with Okami to meet up with Kairoga before all hell breaks loose. The last thought I had that day was "oh shit here we go".

Character Pic:

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tensa zangetsu

tensa zangetsu

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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 8:43 pm

HOTD ID: Tensa Zangetsu
wanted name in rp: Heine Rammsteiner
Sex: male
age in 2015: 26
Character type/job: JTF2 recon/sniper

Background story: After learning about the release of the infection the Canadian government sent Heine to investigate the severity of the contamination and how successfully the Americans were at containing it. Eventually he hears from command that there is a base in Kentucky that he might find some clues in, so now he journeys south.

Character pic:The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic Versus-xiii1
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 5:55 pm

Name: konata
RpName: Alexis Whatley
character: expert sniper trainer
The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic Wall_VladAnime_WWA_194-1680x1050_Sniper_Girl
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 3:57 pm

Hotd ID: Pseudoping

Wanted name in Rp: Kroy Arden

sex(gender): Male

Age in 2015: 20

Character type(job): Pistolier & Quarter Master

Character Pic: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic Kroy

Background Story: Kroy was born in Madison, WI and lived there for eighteen years of his life. During High School he was pestered to get his work in but seemed to always exceed expectations during standard testing. Once he completed High School he went on the search for a military supported college. He found one in Kentucky as well as a job on the local military base.

His build did not give him the ability to use heavier automatic weaponry but he came quite accustomed to pistols. To make up for this he was put in charge of carrying extra bandoliers and equipment making Kroy an important piece on the battlefield.

When the pharmaceutical company released the potentially apocalyptic virus, the military personnel were assigned to higher ranking officials. That is how Kroy now ended up under the command of the central Kentucky Military HQ.
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PostSubject: Re: The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic   The Great Travel's of the Apocalypse RP app topic I_icon_minitime

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