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Respected and VIP positions open! I_vote_lcapRespected and VIP positions open! I_voting_barRespected and VIP positions open! I_vote_rcap 
Respected and VIP positions open! I_vote_lcapRespected and VIP positions open! I_voting_barRespected and VIP positions open! I_vote_rcap 
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Respected and VIP positions open! I_vote_lcapRespected and VIP positions open! I_voting_barRespected and VIP positions open! I_vote_rcap 
Respected and VIP positions open! I_vote_lcapRespected and VIP positions open! I_voting_barRespected and VIP positions open! I_vote_rcap 
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 Respected and VIP positions open!

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Posts : 181
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Join date : 2010-07-16
Age : 39
Location : France, Paris

Respected and VIP positions open! Empty
PostRespected and VIP positions open!

heya guys/girls
we have recently been adding new positions and lately everyone seems to go on like once or twice a month, kinda annoying cos it means it my spare time i have nothing to do.
anyway VIP offers more power in hotd meaning you can over rule the members commands/sayings
respected it just the first step to become admin, this means when we get more people donating we can start running a server with demonic when/if Bg shuts down depending on the donator for Bg
oh and lately lots of noobish members have joined HOTD that no-one knows, we are cutting down on applicants for Hotd this means all players that me or fatality know can be accepted but those we don't will be auto rejected

oh and who the fuck is inviting people to HOTD without damn applications? i know who you are, don't start adding random people to HOTD

thats all for now, cya on the servers!
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